By original design and intent, our Transfiguration Chapel and Princeton OCF have been very transient communities. Princeton undergraduates, grad students, post docs; students from nearby colleges and universities; Institute for Advanced Study and Center of Theolocial Inquiry scholars; have a very finite life in our midst. But there are also some of us who remain for much longer periods of time, and we wonder about those who have left our community, asking “I wonder what they are doing now.”
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As we continue to isolate in the safety of our homes, and participate in prayers and services through Streamlines and reading the texts provided by our Diocese, many turn to our Prayer or Icon Corners as appropriate and uplifting spiritual venues for our prayer life. Here are the Prayer Corners of some of our Chapel members. Additional photos are welcome and encouraged.
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St. Nicholas -2020
Most of the Chapel Family children visited with Fr. Daniel on St. Nicholas Day - some came in person, one arrived on Face Time, a few preferred to finish their naps. Fr. Daniel gave them each a St. Nicholas treat and a special blessing. Everyone misses being together.
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While all Orthodox churches are adorned with icons, our Chapel of the Transfiguration is unique in that most of our iconography has been “written” by our own chapel family. Many are ”products” of the members of the Prosopon School of Iconology, headed by Vladislav Andrejev, with great support from Lydia (Lynette) and Julian (Brandon) Hull. And the talents extend beyond icons, with important liturgical items such as our magnificent Plaschanitsa (Shroud) being hand-sewn by Doina Dumitrescu and our Altar Table, Censer stand, and Seven Candle stand on the Altar being the work of Michael Danchak ’65. We thank God for the talents He has bestowed on our members, and are grateful that those talents have been used the His Glory.
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Chapel Children welcome Fall 2020
The Chapel Children miss attending the weekly services and seeing everyone. They are busy learning their prayers, doing the weekly Gospel readings (children's version) and attending to the coloring assignment (appropriate icon!).
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Chapel Children 2020
The Chapel children sending Easter and Spring greetings to everyone (especially to Fr. Daniel). They have adapted to virtual church - one even opening wide her mouth as it is Communiion time!
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Palm Sunday - 04/01/2018
Fr. Daniel Skvir and Fr. Joseph Gall, Princeton University Orthodox Chaplains, along with the faithful of the Chapel of the Transfiguration celebrated Palm Sunday with the distribution of palm and pussy willows. Aaron, PU '18, and Irakli, PHS '20, assisted as Altar Servers.
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St.Nicholas Outreach-St. Paul Island, AK - 12/19/2017
Princeton University's OCF and the members of its Chapel of the Transfiguration continued their annual tradition of buying, wrapping and sending St. Nicholas gifts to more than 80 children who attend the Ss. Peter and Paul Church on St. Paul Island, Alaska. Also helping in this project, were parishionners from Ss. Peter and Paul, Manville, NJ and Holy Transfiguration Church, Pearl River, NY.
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Reception at Palmer House
We are grateful to Irakli's and Nana's father whose superb photographs will be enjoyed for many years! Thank you!
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His Eminence celebrates Divine Liturgy at Princeton University
Archbishop Michael joined the members of Princeton's OCF and the Transfiguration Chapel to celebrate the Skvir's 50th wedding anniversary and Fr. Daniel's 30th year of priesthood. In addition He presented altar server, Aaron Stevens PU'18, OCF president, the Fr. John Turkevich award. His Eminence recognized Lydia "Lynette" Hull for enriching our spiritual lives with her iconography. Following Divine Liturgy a repast was held at Princeton University's Palmer House.
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Vespers October 14, 2017
His Eminence Archbishop Michael attended Vespers along with worshippers from Princeton University's Transfiguration Chapel. Monthly this service is held in the big Chapel of Princeton University.
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Opening Liturgy of 2017-2018 Academic Year - 09/10/2017
As Princeton University awaited the return of its students, members of Princeton University Chapel gathered for Divine Liturgy in Murray Dodge Hall. Among those active Chapel worshippers present were members of Princeton University Classes of '66, '78, '79, '92, '00, '03, '07 and Graduate School.
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Sochka Celebrations
The Chapel enjoyed participating in several celebrations for Protodeacon Michael and Matushka Leslie and their daughter Elizabeth. The granting by His Eminence Archbishop Michael of a kamilavka to Protodeacon Michael along with gramota to both Matushka Leslie and him. A wedding anniversary. "Many, many healthy happy years!"
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Members of Transfiguration Chapel with Princeton University Orthodox Chaplain Fr. Daniel Skvir and Protodeacon Michael Sochka
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Newly Illumined Olympia Hoffman-Adams - 04/23/2016
Congratulations to Olympia (Bonnie) Hoffman-Adams on her Chrismation into the Orthodox faith!
Lazarus Saturday April 23, 2016 in St. Vladimir Church, Trenton, NJ.
Sponsor: Carmen Mateiescu
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Elevation of the Cross April 3, 2016 (Photos: Matushka Leslie Sochka) - 04/03/2016
On Sunday, April 3rd, the Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross, His Eminence Archbishop Michael presided at the Divine Liturgy in the Chapel of the Transfiguration on the campus of Princeton University. The Archbishop was assisted by Father Daniel Skvir, Orthodox Chaplain at Princeton, Father Sergius Kuharsky, Protodeacon Michael Sochka, Sub-Deacon Mark Federoff, and Altar Servers Forrest (Silouan) Hull and Aaron Stevens (Senior and Sophomore respectively). Responses were sung by the Chapel choir under the direction of Matushka Tamara Skvir.
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Blessing of Orlets (Photos: Matushka Leslie Sochka) - 04/03/2016
Just before the start of Liturgy, His Eminence blessed a gift from the OCF and Chapel members: a specially designed circular rug (Orlets / Eagle) on which a bishop stands during services. This rug was designed specifically for Archbishop Michael as the presiding hierarch of the Diocese of New York-New Jersey. Rather than the typical Byzantine eagle, the rug features an American bald eagle, the nation’s symbol, carrying an olive branch, above a grouping of various churches of the Diocese as well as the Empire State Building and the new Freedom Tower representing the City of New York, the Archbishop’s official See. The outer rings of the rug depict waves of the bodies of water of NY-NJ such as the Hudson River, and bridges connecting the two states and three deaneries. The requisite protecting walls of the Orlets depict the Wall of Honor at Ellis Island, the entry point to America for many of our Orthodox ancestors.
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His Eminence presents Fr. John Turkevich Memorial Awards (Photos: Matushka Leslie Sochka) - 04/03/2016
At the conclusion of Liturgy, HIs Eminence presented special awards to active and faithful members of Princeton’s Orthodox Christian Fellowship. These awards honor the memory and legacy of the University’s first Orthodox Chaplain, Father John Turkevich, also remembered as a renowned Professor of Chemistry. The service ended with a round of ManyYears! for various constituencies, including a number of birthdays and Saints days of the week. The celebration ended with a specially catered Lenten reception.
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Members of the OCF helped St. Nicholas by wrapping gifts for 30 Alaskan children
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November 8
On Sunday, November 8th, as we celebrated the Feast Day of the Archangel Michael and the Synaxis of the Archangels, our Chapel was adorned with iconography worthy of the largest Orthodox cathedrals. The faithful venerated the icon of the entire Synaxis of Archangels on the center Analoi, while the entire wall behind our altar featured eight individual Archangels, all “written” by members of the Prosopon School of Iconology, including our own Lydia Hull. In his sermon, Father Daniel briefly explained the various ranks of the Heavenly Host and the function of each of the Archangels.
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The annual Holy Fire which took place at the Hulls following Vespers gave Chapel members an opportunity to dispose of palms, pussy willows and paper icons. In addition participants enjoyed a light repast with interesting sharing of reminiscences!
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Archbishop Michael substitutes for Fr. Daniel who attends the elevation to Archdeacon of Joseph Carter PU* 81 and longtime attendee of Chapel with his family
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50th Anniversary Reception at Prospect House, Princeton Universty - 09/21/2014
Transfiguration Chapel family enjoys a luncheon together following the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy.
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September 21 - Altar blessing - 09/21/2014
His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon blesses new Altar crafted by one of the OCF founders, Michael Danchak PU '65.
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Theogenes Teriba Tonsured Reader - 09/21/2014
Theogenes Teriba, Princeton University graduate student, was tonsured "Reader" by His Grace Michael in the presence of His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon and the faithful of the Transfiguration Chapel.
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Bishop Michael celebrates Divine Liturgy on OCF Sunday at University's Orthodox Chapel - 09/15/2013
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Palm Sunday celebrated along with Chrismations and Retirement - 04/28/2013
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On March 31 Father Daniel blessed the icon of Archangel Gabriel written by Janine Nemitz. Janine along with Mary Wilson and Lydia Hull are devoted iconographers worshipping within our Chapel of the Transfiguration.
His Grace presents the Fr. John Turkevich awards - 09/16/2012
Princeton University's Chapel of the Transfiguration celebrated 48 years of continual service to Orthodox students, faculty and staff with a Hierarchical Liturgy. Following the Liturgy, His Grace Bishop Michael as well as Subdeacon Andrew Boyd, OCA Director of Youth Ministries, attended the Palmer House celebration. Founders Fr. Daniel Skvir' 66, present PU Chaplain, and Michael Danchak '65 were joined by active OCF alumni Sara Graham '03, Christian Theriault '07, Cindy Michalak '09, Vanya Pouschine '78 and Fr. Gregory Winsky '71. At the reception His Grace presented the Fr. John Turkevich Memorial Scholarship Awards to devoted and active Orthodox students.(10 images)
Sunday of the Cross: Deacon Joseph Carter, Princeton alumnus, serves Liturgy in the Chapel where he was ordained to the Diaconate 13 years ago.
Deacon Joseph Carter joined Fr. Daniel and Protodeacon Michael in serving Liturgy on the Sunday of the Cross. Deacon Joseph and his family (Matushka Luba, Alexandra and Michael) were active members of the Chapel family for more than 25 years. Now in Texas, they are indeed missed.(4 images)
His Grace presenting the Fr. Turkevich awards
University students, who for the past year, have shown exceptional service to the Orthodox Christian Fellowship were given special recognition following Divine Liturgy served by His Grace Michael. Among those not pictured were:Stephanie Colello and Andreana Kenrick for their university outreach drive (Covenant House) and their contributions as Sunday School teachers
Nicholas Marinides for his contributions to discussion sessions and chanting
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